
Straight Pulmonary Lines


Straight Pulmonary Lines

  • Pathophysiology
  1. Straight lines are not normally found on Chest XRay
  1. Pneumothorax
  2. Artifact
  3. Skin fold
    1. Extend beyond rib margins
    2. Only one definable edge
    3. Fade gradually into tissue without abrupt termination
  • Interpretation
  • Perfectly horizontal lines - Air-Fluid interface
  1. Lung
    1. Lung Abscess
      1. Does not extend to chest wall
      2. Same diameter on PA and lateral
    2. Cyst
  2. Pleural Space
    1. Hydropneumothorax
    2. Empyema
      1. Extends to thoracic limit
      2. Disproportionately lengthy in one projection