Fever is not harmful until 106-107 degrees Fahrenheit
- Interpret fever in the context of the patients other findings
- Distinguish concerning vs non-concerning (e.g. lethargic or alert, limp or strong, whimper or vigorous cry)
- Treat fever for comfort, but not to lower below a certain level
- Lowering fever does not prevent Febrile Seizures
- Alternative antipyretics at maximal frequency risks medication errors and overdosage
- Fever is not by itself dangerous in most cases
Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
- Child: 15 mg/kg/dose PO/PR q4-6 hours
- Adult: 650 mg po PO/PR q4-6 hours
Ibuprofen (Motrin)
- Child: 10 mg/kg/dose PO q6 hours
- Adult: 400 mg PO q6 hours
- See Sponge Bath for Fever
- Adjust clothing to lower Temperature
- Keep clothing to a minimum
- Bundling may result in higher Temperature