- Most common inherited Thrombophilia in the United States
- HeterozygousPrevalence: 3 to 7% (U.S.)
- Responsible for 20-50% of Hypercoagulable patients
Incidence of Autosomal Dominant genetic defect
- Europeans: 15%
- North America: 3-5%
- Ethnicity
- Most common in white patients
- African Americans represent <1% of cases
- Activated Protein C (APC) resistance
- Can not be anticoagulated when this lab is run
- Tests for Anticoagulant response to activated Protein C (APC)
- PCR for Factor V Leiden
- Responsible for 95% of APC Resistance
- Does NOT require that patient be off Anticoagulation
- Patients may be found to be either Heterozygous or Homozygous for Factor V
- Heterozygote: 5-10 times the risk of thrombosis
- Homozygote: 50-100 times the risk of thrombosis
- Factor V Leiden is found in 21% of DVT patients (contrast with 5% of healthy patients)
- Also found to be associated with more extensive DVTs of larger veins
- Arsov (2006) Croat Med 47(3): 433-9 [PubMed]
- Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Pulmonary Embolism
- Myocardial Infarction
- Jean-Louis and Sethuraman (2023) Crit Dec Emerg Med 37(7): 4-11