• Grading
  • BI-RADS (Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System) for Mammograms and Breast Ultrasound
  1. Category 0: Incomplete Imaging (additional imaging recommended)
  2. Category 1: Negative findings (no Breast lesions identified)
  3. Category 2: Benign findings
  4. Category 3: Indeterminate, probably benign findings (<2% cancer risk)
  5. Category 4: Suspicious for malignancy
  6. Category 5: Highly suggestive of malignancy
  7. Category 6: Biopsy proven malignancy
  1. Intramammary Lymph Node
    1. Smooth walled mass within the Breast tissue
    2. Lucent center
    3. Usually Mammogram repeated in 6 months
  2. Smooth walled mass
    1. Associated with cyst or fibroadenoma
    2. Evaluate with breast Ultrasound
  3. Scattered Microcalcifications
    1. Bilateral shot-gun like appearance
    2. Usually smooth, round with little density variation
    3. Not clustered
    4. Associated with:
      1. Benign fibrocystic change
      2. Sclerosing adenosis
  1. Mass with irregular borders
    1. Highly suggestive of carcinoma
  2. Clustered Microcalcifications
    1. Five calcifications in 1 cm area needs evaluation
  3. Spiculated Density
    1. Highly suggestive of Breast Cancer
  • Management
  • Initial Work-Up of Mammographic Abnormality
  1. Studies
    1. Diagnostic Mammogram
      1. Cone Compression View
      2. Magnification View
    2. Breast Ultrasound
    3. Stereotactic Breast Biopsy
  2. Algorithm based on Findings
    1. Simple Cyst
      1. Reassure
    2. Solid or atypical
      1. See Breast Mass
      2. Category 2 (Benign)
        1. Re-image with Mammogram in 6 months
      3. Category 3 (Indeterminate)
        1. Image guided Breast biopsy
          1. Ultrasound guided Breast biopsy
          2. Stereotactic Breast biopsy
        2. Surgical Breast Biopsy
          1. Needle Localization