- Dyspepsia
- Dyspepsia Causes
- Dyspepsia Red Flags
- Dyspepsia in Pregnancy
- Medication Causes of Dyspepsia
- Red Flags may suggest serious underlying conditions
- Gastric Cancer
- Complicated Peptic Ulcer Disease
- Red Flags in Dyspepsia
- Age of onset cut-off
- Current age cut-off: age over 60 years
- Recent literature suggests adjusting based on gender
- Age over 35 years in men
- Age over 56 years in women
- Marmo (2005) Am J Gastroenterol 100:784-91 [PubMed]
- Dysphagia
- Anorexia or early satiety
- Persistent Vomiting
- Jaundice
- Palpable abdominal mass or epigastric mass
- Supraclavicular Lymphadenopathy
Family History of Gastric Cancer
- More common in non-caucasian (esp. black patients)
- Prior Peptic Ulcer Disease history
Unexplained Weight Loss
- Weight loss more than 3 kg or 6.5 pounds
- Weight loss >10% of body weight
- Signs of significant Gastrointestinal Bleeding