- Tanner Stage
- Iliac apophysis calcification begins at Puberty
- Calcification completed over 2 year period
- Completed with apophysis fusion to iliac crest
- Calcification (or ossification) begins anterolaterally
- Anterior superior iliac spine is first to calcify
- Calcification progresses posteromedially
- Risser 1: 25% Iliac Apophysis Ossification
- Anterior Superior iliac spine (anterolateral)
- Seen in prepuberty or early Puberty
- Risser 2: 50% Iliac Apophysis Ossification
- Ossification extends halfway across iliac wing
- Seen immediately before or during growth spurt
- Risser 3: 75% Iliac Apophysis Ossification
- Risser 4: 100% Iliac Apophysis Ossification
- Adjacent to sacroiliac joint (posteromedial)
- Indicates slowing of growth
- Risser 5: Iliac apophysis fuses to iliac crest
- Indicates cessation of growth
- Lonstein (July 1989) J Musculoskeletal Med, p. 37-54
- Greiner (2002) Am Fam Physician 65(9):1817-22 [PubMed]
- Haasbeek (1997) Postgrad Med 101(6):207-16 [PubMed]