
Daily Energy Allowance


Daily Energy Allowance

  • Indications
  1. Estimates average Daily Energy Allowances
  2. Assumptions
    1. Light to moderate Physical Activity
    2. No underlying medical conditions
    3. Women who are not lactating and not pregnant
  3. Interpretation
    1. RDAs grossly overestimate caloric needs
    2. Continuation at these intakes will result in Obesity
  • Protocol
  • Recommended average Daily Energy Allowances in Children
  1. Age 1 to 3 years: 102 kcal/kg
  2. Age 4 to 6 years: 90 kcal/kg
  3. Age 7 to 10 years: 70 kcal/kg
  • Protocol
  • Recommended average Daily Energy Allowances in Men
  1. Age 11 to 14 years: 55 kcal/kg
  2. Age 15 to 18 years: 45 kcal/kg
  3. Age 19 to 24 years: 40 kcal/kg
  4. Age 25 to 50 years: 37 kcal/kg
  5. Age over 51 years: 30 kcal/kg
  • Protocol
  • Recommended average Daily Energy Allowances in Women
  1. Age 11 to 14 years: 47 kcal/kg
  2. Age 15 to 18 years: 40 kcal/kg
  3. Age 19 to 24 years: 38 kcal/kg
  4. Age 25 to 50 years: 36 kcal/kg
  5. Age over 51 years: 30 kcal/kg
  • References
  1. (1989) RDA's 10th Edition, National Academy Press