
Lead-Containing Herbal


Lead-Containing Herbal, Lead Contaminated Folk Remedy, Herbals with Lead Contamination

  • Causes
  1. Middle east
    1. Anzroot (used throughout middle east)
    2. Cebagin (used for Teething)
      1. Asia Chuifong tokuwa
    3. Kohl or Al-Kohl (grey or Black Eye cosmetic applied around Conjunctiva)
  2. China
    1. Ba-Baw-San (used for colic)
    2. Jin Bu Huan (used for pain relief)
    3. Po Ying Tan (used as a cold remedy)
  3. Dominican Republic
    1. Litargirio (yellow-orange powder used as deodorant or for foot fungus)
  4. India
    1. Ghasard (Brown powder used to aid Digestion)
    2. Surma (Black powder used for Teething, and as eye cosmetic)
    3. Bali-Gali (used to treat abdominal distress)
    4. Kandu (used for Stomache pain)
  5. Iran
    1. Bint Al Zahab (rock ground and mixed with honey and butter and used for colic)
      1. Also used in Saudi Arabia
  6. Iraq
    1. Lozeena (bright orange powder used to color meat and rice)
  7. Kuwait
    1. Bokhoor (fumes from wood and lead used for calming infants)
  8. Mexico
    1. Greta (yellow powder used to treat intestinal distress)
    2. Azarcon (bright orange powder used to treat intestinal illness)
        1. Also known as alarcon, coral, luiga, maria luisa, or rueda
    3. Tamarind Candy (due to storage in lead containing pots)
  9. Pakistan
    1. Eye cosmetics
  10. Saudi Arabia
    1. Bint Dahab (yellow powder used to treat intestinal illness)
    2. Santrinj (red powder used for Teething)
    3. Al Murrah (used to treat intestinal illness)
    4. Farouk (used for Teething)
  11. Tibet
    1. Ayurvedic medicine (also used in Pakistan and India)
    2. Tibetan herbal Vitamin (used for brain health)
  12. Vietnam
    1. Pay-loo-ah (red powder used to treat fever, rash)
    2. Po Ying Ta (used to treat mild conditions in children)
  • References
  1. CDC Managing Elevated Blood Lead Levels Among Young Children