
Donning and Doffing PPE


Donning and Doffing PPE, Donning and Doffing Personal Protection Equipment, Application of Personal Protection Equipment, PPE Application

  • Precautions
  1. Method described here is for basic donning and doffing of PPE
  2. High level protection for Ebola is described on CDC website
  3. Additional protective measures
    1. Do not touch your face
    2. Limit touching surfaces
    3. Perform Hand Hygiene frequently
    4. Change torn or contaminated gloves
  • Technique
  • Donning (putting on) PPE
  1. Step 1: Gown
    1. Surgical gowns are rated on a 4 level scale (level 4 for the smallest infectious particles such as Ebola)
    2. Cover the torso and extremities (neck to knees, arms to wrists, wrapped to back)
    3. Fasten gown at neck and waist
  2. Step 2: Mask or respirator
    1. See Respiratory Personal Protective Equipment
    2. Respirator should be fit checked
    3. Secure mask
      1. Elastic Bands at occiput and neck
      2. Fit flexible band at Nasal Bridge
      3. Mask should fit snuggly over face and below chin
  3. Step 3: Googles or Face Shield
    1. Mask applied over face and eyes
    2. Adjust to fit
  4. Step 4: Double Gloves
    1. Inner gloves under the gown sleeve
    2. Outer gloves should cover end of gown at the wrist
  • Technique
  • Doffing (taking off) PPE
  1. Precautions
    1. Doffing (PPE removal) is a high risk procedure
    2. Careful attention to detail and protocol is needed to prevent self-contamination of clothing and skin
    3. All PPE except for Face Masks are removed before exiting the patient room
  2. Step 1: Gown and Gloves
    1. Do not touch the outside of gloves (contaminated)
    2. Wash the gloves with soap and water or Alcohol-based hand sanitizer
    3. Grasping only the outer gown in front, pull disposable gown away from body, breaking the attached ties
    4. While removing the gown, fold or roll the gown into a bundle in front of you
    5. Remove the outer gloves withe the gown sleeves on finishing removal of the gown
    6. Wash the inner gloves with soap and water or Alcohol-based hand sanitizer
  3. Step 2: Goggles or Face Shield
    1. Do not touch the front of the goggles or Face Shield (contaminated)
    2. Remove goggles or Face Shield by grasping at head bands and pull over and away from face
    3. Wash the inner gloves with soap and water or Alcohol-based hand sanitizer
  4. Step 3: Mask or respirator
    1. Do not touch the front of the mask (contaminated)
    2. Grasp bottom ties, then top ties, and pull over head and away to remove mask
    3. Wash the inner gloves with soap and water or Alcohol-based hand sanitizer