
Magic Mouthwash


Magic Mouthwash

  • Preparations
  • Liquid Combination 1
  1. Swish and spit 5 ml no more often than every 4 hours
  2. Components
    1. Viscous Lidocaine (1 part)
    2. Maalox (1 part)
    3. Benadryl (1 part)
  • Preparations
  • Liquid Combination 2
  1. Swish, gargle and spit 5-10 ml every 6 hours as needed
    1. May swallow if esophageal involvement
  2. Components: Compounded to make 180 ml of solution
    1. Benadryl 12.5 mg/5 ml 30 ml
    2. Maalox 60 ml
    3. Sucralfate 4 grams (some question the efficacy of Sucralfate)
    4. Lidocaine
  • Preparations
  • Solid Combination
  1. Apply small amount to lesion
  2. Components
    1. Benadryl 30 mg
    2. Mylanta 60 ml
    3. Carafate 4 grams