• Pathophysiology
  1. Congenital malformation of the pilosebaceous follicular unit
  • Epidemiology
  1. Incidence: 0.3% of newborns
  • Signs
  1. Yellow, smooth, single, well-circumscribed hairless Plaque
  2. Typically identified in newborns
  3. Distribution
    1. Typically on the scalp
    2. May also occur on the face and neck
  • Course
  1. Lesions may become verrucous and more prominent as child enters teen years
  2. Associated risk of cutaneous carcinoma: 10-15%
  3. May be associated with epidermal nevus syndrome
  • Management
  1. Excision near Puberty
  • Reference
  1. Habif (2003) Clinical Dermatology, 4th ed.. Mosby, p. 773-813
  2. Mitchell (2023) Am Fam Physician 108(3): 301-2 [PubMed]