• Definitions
  1. Cutis Marmorata
    1. Normal cold response in newborns that resolves with rewarming (may also be seen in adults)
    2. Symmetric skin mottling involving an infant's trunk and extremities
  • Epidemiology
  1. Occurs in the first few weeks of life when exposed to cold
  • Physiology
  1. Normal newborn physiologic response to cold
  2. Capillaries and venules dilate in response to cold skin
  • Symptoms
  1. Episodic mottling with cold exposure for the first few months of life
  • Signs
  1. Skin mottling symmetrically involving the trunk and extremities on cold exposure
  2. Resolves in warm Temperatures
  • Differential Diagnosis
  1. Telangiectatica Congenita
    1. Rare, serious vascular anomaly with similar mottling as with Cutis Marmorata
    2. In contrast, Telangiectatica Congenita is associated with skin atrophy, Skin Ulceration or unilateral involvement
    3. Refer suspected cases
  • Management
  1. Resolves with rewarming of skin