• Epidemiology
  1. May ocur at any age
  2. Incidence: 1% of newborns (Congenital Sebaceous Hyperplasia)
  • Pathophysiology
  1. Normal, benign variant of ectopic Sebaceous Gland hyperplasia on Buccal mucosa
  2. Lesions contain sebaceous lobules
  3. Lesions are not associated with Hair Follicles
  4. In newborns, lesions are associated with increased maternal androgen levels
  • Signs
  1. Characteristics
    1. Yellow to white, pinpoint (1 to 4 mm), submucosal Papules
    2. Lesions are asymptomatic
    3. May be clustered or isolated
    4. May have central umbilication
    5. Fluid filled Vesicles
  2. Distribution
    1. Buccal mucosa
    2. Vermillion border of lips
    3. Genital mucosa (older children or adults)
  • Differential Diagnosis
  • Course
  1. Congenital Sebaceous Hyperplasia (newborns)
    1. Resolves by a few weeks of life