- Long Form
- In the last 30 days, on average, how long did any pain jaw or temple area on either side last?
- Score 0: No pain
- Score 1: From very brief to more than a week, but it does stop
- Score 2: Continuous
- In the last 30 days, have you had pain or stiffness in your jaw on awakening?
- Score 0: No
- Score 1: Yes
- In the last 30 days, which of the following activities change any jaw or temple pain on either side (make pain better or worse)?
- Note: This question is modified from the original survey (which lists these as individual yes-no questions)
- Score 1: Chewing hard or tough food
- Score 1: Opening your mouth or moving your jaw forward or to the side
- Score 1: Jaw habits such as holding teeth together, clenching, grinding or chewing gum
- Score 1: Other jaw activities such as talking, kissing or Yawning
- Score 3 or higher suggests Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction
- Test Sensitivity: 83 to 97%
Test Specificity: 82 to 95%
- May not differentiate TMJ from Headache syndromes (e.g. Migraine Headache, tension-type Headache or Trigeminal Neuralgia)