- Plant Sterols resemble Cholesterol
- Modified side-chain
- Reduces intestinal absorption of LDL Cholesterol
- Hepatic de novo Cholesterol synthesis may increase
- Modestly reduces serum LDL Cholesterol (10-14%)
- LDL Cholesterol lowered 160 to 134-138
- References
- Plant Stanol ester enriched margarine
- Benecol (hydrogenated sterols)
- Sitostanol from pine tree wood pulp
- Less absorption than with Sitosterol (Take Control)
- Take Control (unsaturated sterols)
- Sitosterol from soybean oil
- Minute Maid Heart Wise orange juice
- Two glasses per day recommended
- Studies used 2-3 g/day Sterol (30 g/day of spread)
- Well tolerated without affecting margarine taste
- Potentially atherogenic (Coronary Artery Disease risk)
- High Plant Sterol concentrations assoc. with CAD
- Stanols (Benecol) less absorbed than Sterols
- Concentrations lower with Benecol than Take Control
- Do not use in patients with inherited Sitosterolemia
- Risk of premature Ischemic Heart Disease
- Risk of xanthoma formation
- (1998) J Postgrad Med, Managing High Cholesterol
- (1999) Med Lett Drugs Ther 41(1055):56-8 [PubMed]