
Testicular Self-Exam


Testicular Self-Exam, Testicular Self Exam

  • Indications
  1. Testicular Cancer screening by young men under age 34
  • Frequency of exam
  1. Patient or their partner performs self-exam monthly
  2. Consider performing exam during warm shower or bath
  • Technique
  1. Cup Scrotum with one hand and note any changes
  2. Check each Testicle one at a time
    1. Gently roll Testicle between fingers and thumb
    2. Normal testicular findings
      1. Normal variation
        1. One Testicle may be larger than the other
        2. Left tisticle may lie lower than right
      2. Testicle is normally oval shaped
      3. Testicle should be firm, smooth, and Rubbery
    3. Abnormal testicular findings
      1. Identify lumps or bumps on Testicle
  3. Examine epididymis (next to Testicle)
    1. Epididymis should be soft and mobile
    2. Testicle may be mildly tender
  4. Examine vas deferens (spermatic cord)
    1. Vas deferens is contiguous with epididymis
    2. Vas deferens should be smooth and mobile
  • Interpretation
  1. Patient pursues medical care for any abnormal findings