


Chordee, Dorsal Hood Deformity

  • Definition
  1. Congenital Ventral Curvature of the Penis
  • Pathophysiology
  1. Hypospadias (most common association)
  2. No Hypospadias (less common)
    1. Skin Tethering (insufficient ventral penile skin)
    2. Short Urethra
    3. Inelastic bands of dartos fascia
  • Symptoms
  1. Penis curves during Erection
  2. Dorsal Hood Deformity
    1. Incomplete foreskin development
  • Management
  1. Repair after age 6 months
  • References
  1. Behrman (2000) Nelson Pediatrics, Saunders, p. 1647
  2. Walsh (1998) Campbell's Urology, Saunders, p. 3370-76