- Acute Abdominal Pain Evaluation
- Chronic Abdominal Pain Evaluation
- Chronic Pelvic Pain evaluation
- Patient lies supine
- Clinician identifies maximal point of abdominal tenderness
- Patient tenses abdominal wall
- Patient crosses their arms over the chest
- Lifts head off table
- Lifts Shoulders off table
- May also lift both legs off table simultaneously
- Intra-Abdominal Pain source (Negative Carnett's Sign)
- Abdominal Pain decreases with tensing Abdomen or when examiner palpates Abdomen
- Suggests deeper, visceral pain
Abdominal Muscle Wall Pain (Positive Carnett's Sign)
- Pain increases or remains unchanged with tensing Abdomen or when examiner palpates Abdomen
- Suggests Myofascial Pain source (Trigger Point, nerve entrapment, Hernia, Myositis)