• Criteria
  1. Score 1: Vomiting
  2. Score 1: Right iliac fossa pain
  3. Score 1: Rebound Pain light
  4. Score 2: Rebound Pain medium
  5. Score 3: Rebound Pain strong
  6. Score 1: Temperature >=38.5 C (101.3 F)
  7. Score 1: Leukocytosis 10k to 15k
  8. Score 2: Leukocytosis >=15k
  9. Score 1: Neutrophils 70 to 84%
  10. Score 2: Neutrophils >84%
  11. Score 1: CRP 10 to 49 g/L
  12. Score 2: CRP >49 g/L
  • Interpretation
  • Children (out of 12 total possible points)
  1. Score <4
    1. Low Risk
    2. Positive Likelihood Ratio: 0.13
    3. Appendicitis probability: 6%
  2. Score 4 to 7
    1. Moderate Risk
    2. Positive Likelihood Ratio: 0.7
    3. Appendicitis probability: 26%
  3. Score >7
    1. High Risk
    2. Positive Likelihood Ratio: 8.1
    3. Appendicitis probability: 80%