
Exercise in Patients with Arthritis


Exercise in Patients with Arthritis, Arthritis and Exercise Guidelines

  • See Also
  • Lifestyle Guidelines
  1. Sitting, standing and stair climbing
  • Aerobic Exercise Guidelines
  1. Examples: Walking, water walking, or stationary cycle
  2. Daily low intensity Exercise with increasing duration
  3. Start with 10 minutes of Exercise
  4. Advance in 5 minute increments up to 30 minutes
  • Progressive Resistance Training Guidelines
  1. Start with low repetitions of low weight
  2. Slowly increase to 12 repetitions 2-3 times weekly
  3. Pain should guide increase
  • Flexibility Training Guidelines
  1. Pain-free range of motion
  • Precautions
  1. Avoid repetitive, high intensity use of unstable joints
  2. Adjust Exercise time to least symptoms
    1. Avoid morning Exercise in Rheumatoid Arthritis
    2. Avoid Exercise during Arthritis flares
  3. Modify/stop an Exercise that causes adverse effects
    1. Persistent Fatigue or weakness
    2. Joint inflammation lasting >1 hour post-Exercise
  • References
  1. Whaley (2006) ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise