
Hypnosis in Children


Hypnosis in Children, Pediatric Hypnosis

  • Indications
  1. Chronic disease
  2. Habits and behaviors
    1. Nail-biting or Thumb-Sucking
    2. Tics
    3. Enuresis or Encopresis
    4. Bruxism
    5. Sleep Terrors
  3. Psychophysiologic
    1. Acute Pain Management in Children
    2. Anxiety
    3. Procedural Techniques (e.g. Wart Treatments)
  • Background
  1. All children are hypnotizable
  2. All Hypnosis is self-Hypnosis
  3. Describing Hypnosis to children
    1. Pretending
    2. Daydreaming
    3. Imagining
  • Approach
  1. Rapport
  2. Induction
  3. Deepening and Intensification
  4. Therapeutic suggestions
  5. Teach self-Hypnosis even at first trance
    1. You've done very well, be proud of yourself
    2. "Remind self of the steps you took to get here today"
    3. Counting is not needed in children
  • Technique
  • Relaxation
  1. Very Young children (age under 7 years)
    1. Rocking motion
    2. Singing or Rhythmic rhymes
    3. Transitional objects
    4. Peek-a-boo or puppets
    5. Massage
    6. Visual and auditory distractions
  2. Middle Childhood (age 7 to 12 years)
    1. Favorite place or activity
    2. Imagery
      1. Flying blanket
      2. Riding a bike
      3. Swimming imagery
      4. Arm lowering
  1. Eye fixation, hands moving together
  2. Two-Finger Technique for Hypnotic Induction in Children
  3. Shoulder drooping
  4. Self on tape
  1. Cookies at grandma's house
  2. Imagine a camera zooming in and out on body and brain
  • Technique
  • Specific Examples of Implementation
  1. Wart Treatment: "Buy the warts and Give them away"
  2. Enuresis treatment
    1. Water flow
      1. First to the washing machine (Kidneys)
      2. Next to the Bladder
      3. Bladder has a gate
    2. Telephone (nerve) from the brain keeps gate closed
      1. Promotes urinary continence