- How often do you have a drink containing Alcohol?
- Score 0: Never
- Score 1: One per month or less
- Score 2: Twice to four times monthly
- Score 3: Twice to three times weekly
- Score 4: Four or more times weekly
- How many drinks containing Alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking?
- Score 0: One to two drinks
- Score 1: Three to four drinks
- Score 2: Five to six drinks
- Score 3: Seven to nine drinks
- Score 4: Ten or more drinks
- How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion?
- Score 0: Never
- Score 1: Less than monthly
- Score 2: Mothly
- Score 3: Twice to three times weekly
- Score 4: Four or more times weekly
- Discriminatory levels suggestive of Problem Drinking
- Men: Score >4 (or >7 in college men)
- Women: Score >2 (or >5 in college women)