• Indications for Oxalate Restriction
  • High Oxalate Containing Foods
  1. Beets and beet tops
  2. Black tea
  3. Chenopodium
  4. Chocolate
  5. Cocoa
  6. Dried figs
  7. Ground pepper
  8. Lambs quarters
  9. Lime peel
  10. Nuts
  11. Parsley
  12. Poppy seeds
  13. Purslane
  14. Rhubarb
  15. Sorrel
  16. Spinach
  17. Swiss chard
  • Moderate Oxalate Containing Foods
  1. Green beans
  2. Wax beans
  3. Blackberries
  4. Blueberries
  5. Carrots
  6. Celery
  7. Coffee (roasted)
  8. Concord grapes
  9. Red currants
  10. Dandelion greens
  11. Endive
  12. Gooseberries
  13. Lemon peel
  14. Okra
  15. Green onions
  16. Oranges and orange peel
  17. Green peppers
  18. Black raspberries
  19. Strawberries
  20. Sweet potatoes
  • References
  1. Mobley (Feb 1999) Hospital Medicine, p. 21-38