
Geriatric Nutrition Checklist


Geriatric Nutrition Checklist, Nutritional Health Checklist

  • Indication
  1. Assess nutritional status of older adults
  • Criteria
  • Assign points if positive
  1. Illness affects diet (2 points)
  2. Less than 2 meals daily (3 points)
  3. Eat few fruits, vegetables, milk (2 points)
  4. Three or more Alcoholic drinks daily (2 points)
  5. Teeth or mouth interfere with eating (2 points)
  6. Lack of money limits access to food (4 points)
  7. Eats alone at most meals (1 point)
  8. Three or more medications taken daily (1 point)
  9. Unintentional Weight Loss or gain of 10 pounds or more in the last 6 months (2 points)
  10. Physical limitations interfere with shopping, cooking, or eating (2 points)
  • Interpretation
  1. High nutritional risk: 6 or more points
  2. Moderate nutritional risk: 3-5 points
  3. Low nutritional risk (good nutrition): 0-2 points
  • Resources