- Cognitive Milestones
- Month 3-5: Attends to and Reaches for objects
- Month 4-8: Pulls string to secure a ring
- Month 8-15: Imitates patting doll
- Month 12: Follows 1 step command
- Month 14-20: Finds Hidden Object
- Month 18: Points to 1 body part
- Month 18-28: Completes simple puzzles
- Month 24: Follows 2 step command
- Month 30: Points to 6 body part
- Language Milestones
- Month 1.5-3: Squeals
- Month 3.5-8: Turns to locate a rattle, voice
- Month 6: Laughs, coos
- Month 9-13: Says Mama or Dada (non-specific), babbles, single syllables
- Month 12: Imitates vocalizations and sounds, Says one word, understands no
- Month 15: Says 1-3 words (other than mama, dada), points to object, recognizes object
- Month 18: Says 3-6 words, follows 1 step directions
- Month 24: 2 word phrases, names one picture, points to 2 body parts, points to items in a book
- Month 21-36: Uses plurals
- Month 30: Speech half understandable, says 50 words, follows 2 step directions, points to >=1 color
- Month 36-48: Speech all understable, names four pictures and 1-4 colors, asks who/what/where/why
- Month 48-60: Answers simple questions, 4 word sentences, recites words from song/story
- Month 60-72: Follows game rules, tells multi-event story, counts to 10, expresses time and some numbers/letters
- References
- Social and Emotional Milestones
- Month 1.5-4: Smiles at others
- Month 4-9: Seeks primary Caregiver
- Month 8-15: Stranger anxiety
- Month 9-12: Waves bye-bye
- Month 10-15: Displays 2 or more recognizable emotions
- Month: 11-20: Exploratory play by self
- Month 21-36: Cooperative play in small groups
- Gross Motor Milestones
- Month 2-4.5: Rolls Over
- Month 5-8: Sits without support
- Month 10-14: Stands Alone
- Month 14-20: Walks up steps
- Month 21-28: Pedals tricycle
- Month 30-44: Balances on one foot
- By age 6: Rhythmic skipping
- By age 8.5: Alternates foot-hop in place
- By age 10: Holds tandem stance for 10 sec (eyes closed)
- Fine Motor Milestones
- Month 2.5-4: Grasps rattle
- Month 4.5-7: Transfers cube hand to hand
- Month 8-12: Has neat pincer grasp
- Month 15-20: Builds tower of four cubes
- Month 18-24: Imitates vertical line
- Month 28-36: Copies circle
- By age 5 years: Draws a square
- By age 5.5 years: Tripod pencil grasp
- By age 7 years: Draws diagonal line
- By age 9: Draws cross with same dimensions
- By age 12: Draws three dimensional cube
- Self Help Milestones
- Month 4.5-8: Feeds self crackers
- Month 10-14: Drinks from cup
- Month 13-19: Removes clothes
- Month 18-28: Washes and dries hands
- Month 30-42: Dresses without supervision
- Attained on average by age 4.5 years
- Rides a Bicycle with training wheels
- Cuts paper with scissors
- Colors inside lines
- Attained on average by age 5.5 years
- Ties shoelaces
- Prints first and last names
- Attained on average by age 6 years
- Rides a Bicycle without training wheels
- Frankenburg (1990) Denver II Developmental Screening
- Blondis (1999) Pediatr Clin North Am 46:899-913 [PubMed]