• Physiology
  • Cognitive Milestones
  1. Month 3-5: Attends to and Reaches for objects
  2. Month 4-8: Pulls string to secure a ring
  3. Month 8-15: Imitates patting doll
  4. Month 12: Follows 1 step command
  5. Month 14-20: Finds Hidden Object
  6. Month 18: Points to 1 body part
  7. Month 18-28: Completes simple puzzles
  8. Month 24: Follows 2 step command
  9. Month 30: Points to 6 body part
  • Physiology
  • Language Milestones
  1. Month 1.5-3: Squeals
  2. Month 3.5-8: Turns to locate a rattle, voice
  3. Month 6: Laughs, coos
  4. Month 9-13: Says Mama or Dada (non-specific), babbles, single syllables
  5. Month 12: Imitates vocalizations and sounds, Says one word, understands no
  6. Month 15: Says 1-3 words (other than mama, dada), points to object, recognizes object
  7. Month 18: Says 3-6 words, follows 1 step directions
  8. Month 24: 2 word phrases, names one picture, points to 2 body parts, points to items in a book
  9. Month 21-36: Uses plurals
  10. Month 30: Speech half understandable, says 50 words, follows 2 step directions, points to >=1 color
  11. Month 36-48: Speech all understable, names four pictures and 1-4 colors, asks who/what/where/why
  12. Month 48-60: Answers simple questions, 4 word sentences, recites words from song/story
  13. Month 60-72: Follows game rules, tells multi-event story, counts to 10, expresses time and some numbers/letters
  14. References
    1. Zubler (2022) Pediatrics 149(3): e2021052138 [PubMed]
  • Physiology
  • Social and Emotional Milestones
  1. Month 1.5-4: Smiles at others
  2. Month 4-9: Seeks primary Caregiver
  3. Month 8-15: Stranger anxiety
  4. Month 9-12: Waves bye-bye
  5. Month 10-15: Displays 2 or more recognizable emotions
  6. Month: 11-20: Exploratory play by self
  7. Month 21-36: Cooperative play in small groups
  • Physiology
  • Gross Motor Milestones
  1. Month 2-4.5: Rolls Over
  2. Month 5-8: Sits without support
  3. Month 10-14: Stands Alone
  4. Month 14-20: Walks up steps
  5. Month 21-28: Pedals tricycle
  6. Month 30-44: Balances on one foot
  7. By age 6: Rhythmic skipping
  8. By age 8.5: Alternates foot-hop in place
  9. By age 10: Holds tandem stance for 10 sec (eyes closed)
  • Physiology
  • Fine Motor Milestones
  1. Month 2.5-4: Grasps rattle
  2. Month 4.5-7: Transfers cube hand to hand
  3. Month 8-12: Has neat pincer grasp
  4. Month 15-20: Builds tower of four cubes
  5. Month 18-24: Imitates vertical line
  6. Month 28-36: Copies circle
  7. By age 5 years: Draws a square
  8. By age 5.5 years: Tripod pencil grasp
  9. By age 7 years: Draws diagonal line
  10. By age 9: Draws cross with same dimensions
  11. By age 12: Draws three dimensional cube
  • Physiology
  • Self Help Milestones
  1. Month 4.5-8: Feeds self crackers
  2. Month 10-14: Drinks from cup
  3. Month 13-19: Removes clothes
  4. Month 18-28: Washes and dries hands
  5. Month 30-42: Dresses without supervision
  6. Attained on average by age 4.5 years
    1. Rides a Bicycle with training wheels
    2. Cuts paper with scissors
    3. Colors inside lines
  7. Attained on average by age 5.5 years
    1. Ties shoelaces
    2. Prints first and last names
  8. Attained on average by age 6 years
    1. Rides a Bicycle without training wheels