
Ulnar Gutter Cast


Ulnar Gutter Cast

  • Indications
  1. Boxer's Fracture
  2. Non-displaced, non-rotated fourth or fifth Metacarpal Fractures
  3. Non-displaced, non-rotated fourth or fifth Proximal Phalanx Fractures
  4. Non-displaced, non-rotated fourth or fifth Middle Phalanx Fractures
  • Imaging
  • Technique
  1. Position
    1. Wrist in slight extension
    2. MCP joints in 70-90 degrees flexion
    3. PIP joints in 5-10 degrees flexion
    4. DIP joints in 5-10 degrees flexion
  2. Application
    1. Cast from the proximal Forearm to slightly beyond the fourth and fifth finger DIP joints
    2. Leave the thumb, index and middle fingers freely mobile