• See Also
  • Definitions
  1. Myxoma
    1. Benign, lobulated tumor of connective tissue
    2. Composed of spindle and stellate cells within a mucoid matrix (myxoid stroma)
  2. Intramuscular Myxoma
    1. Myxomas involving large Muscles of thigh, buttocks, Shoulder, or upper arm
  • Epidemiology
  1. Intramuscular Myxoma are rare (account for only 0.12% of soft tissue tumors)
  2. Intramuscular Myxoma peak Incidence is in age 40 to 70 years old
  • Signs
  1. Intramuscular Myxoma is a palpable mass within the large Muscles of thigh, buttocks, Shoulder, or upper arm
    1. Most common in the hip
  • Imaging
  1. MRI
    1. Intramuscular Myxoma is T1 hypointense to Muscle, and T2 high signal intensity
  • Management
  1. Surgical excision of Intramuscular Myxomas