
Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome


Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome

  • Mechanism
  1. Occlusion of ulnar artery at the wrist
    1. Secondary to thrombosis of ulnar artery
  2. Due to repetitive Trauma to ulnar hand
    1. Example: hand is used as a hammer
  • Symptoms
  1. Hypothenar pain and pallor
  2. Hypothenar Paresthesias
  3. Affected digits are cool
  • Signs
  1. Localized tenderness at hypothenar prominence
  2. Abnormal Allen Test
  • Imaging
  1. Wrist XRay with Carpal Tunnel view
    1. Assess for Carpal BoneFracture (esp. pisiform Fracture, hook of hamate Fracture)
  • Differential Diagnosis
  1. Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome
  2. Carpal Bone Fracture at ulnar aspect (associated with Ulnar Nerve injury)
    1. Pisiform Fracture
    2. Hook of Hamate Fracture
  • Management
  1. Eliminate precipitating factors
  2. Surgical resection of thrombosed section of vessel
    1. Indicated for persistent symptoms