- General
- All Ultrasounds:
- Fetal Presentation
- Fetal Viability
- Fetal Biometry
- Fetal Survey
- Evaluation of amniotic fluid volume
- Level I Ultrasound: standard exam
- Biometry
- Fetal Survey
- Level II Ultrasound: High risk
- Usually performed by perinatologist
- Second and third trimester focus areas
- Fetal Biparietal diameter
- Fetal Head Circumference
- Fetal Abdominal Circumference
- Fetal Femur Length
- Composite Fetal Age
- Simple average (regression formulas)
- Best combination for accuracy
- Fetal Survey
Intracranial Anatomy
- Start with biparietal diameter view
- Rotate transducer 20-30 degrees
- Still transects Thalamus
- Now transects Cerebellum
- Also transects cisterna magna and nuchal thickness
- Evaluate structures
- Cerebellum
- Choroid plexus
- Cisterna magna
- Lateral Ventricles
- Cavum septum pellucidum
- Assess for meningomyelocele
- Image
- Chest including four chamber heart
Stomach location
- Assess for Diaphragmatic Hernia
- Diaphragm
Kidneys and Bladder
- Use lower longitudinal spine view to start
- Scan anterior to spine to capture Kidneys
- Cord insertion and three vessel cord
- Spine
- Extremities
- Evaluate arms, legs and hands