- U.S. nationwide health insurance program
- Populations covered (regardless of income)
- Age 65 years old and older
- Social Security Disability payment receivers for >=2 years or more
- End Stage Renal Disease
- Parts A and B (1965-66: Title 18 Health Insurance for the Aged of the Social Security Act)
- Part A: Hospital insurance
- Part B: Supplementary medical insurance
- Part C (Medicare Advantage, and prior Medicare+Choice, started 1997)
- Coordinated plans (e.g. Preferred provider organizations or PPOs) that may offer lower overall costs and greater services
- Part D (Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act or MMA, 2003)
- Voluntary drug benefit
- Medicare Prescription Payment Plan (MPPP)
- Opt-In plan to spread medication payments out over the course of calendar year (instead of lump sum payments)