
Microsoft Windows Run Command


Microsoft Windows Run Command

  • Precautions
  • Non-Medical
  1. Not for Medical Care
  2. The author uses several software packages and programming languages to develop FPnotebook content
  3. For convenience, a dozen pages in FPNotebook are dedicated to quick notes on content creation
  • Approach
  1. Run Command prompt can be opened with WIN-R (or WIN-X on windows 8+)
  2. Pressing the Windows button, brings up a search box that will also recognize commands
  3. Commands are case insensitive (but pascal case is used below for easier recognition)
  4. Powershell accepts any of these commands
    1. Some commands with parameters may require to run command in quotes with IEX
    2. Example: IEX "shutdown -r"
  • Technique
  • Accessories
  1. Calc
    1. Calculator
  2. CharMap
    1. Character Map
  3. Notepad
    1. Notepad Application
  • Technique
  • Audio and Video
  1. Desk.cpl
    1. Display properties
  2. MmSys.cpl
    1. Sounds and Audio
  • Technique
  • Command prompt
  1. Cmd
    1. Command window, dos prompt
  2. Powershell
    1. Powershell command window
  • Technqiue
  • Files and Folders
  1. Explorer
    1. Open File Explorer
  • Technique
  • Remote Connections
  1. MsTsc
    1. Remote Desktop Connection
  2. TelNet
    1. Telnet Client
  • Technique
  • System Settings and Start-Up
  1. RegEdit
    1. Registry Editor
  2. MsConfig
    1. System Configuration Utility
  • Technique
  • System Administration
  1. AppWiz.cpl
    1. Add or remove programs
  2. CompMgMt.msc
    1. Computer Management
  3. Control
    1. Control Panel
    2. Control AdminTools
      1. Administration Tools
    3. Control NetConnections
      1. Network Connections
    4. Control Printers
      1. Printers and Faxes
  4. HdwWiz.cpl
    1. Device Manager
  5. EventVwr.msc
    1. Event Viewer
  6. GpEdit.msc
    1. Local Group Policy Editor
  7. InetMgr
    1. Internet Information Services (IIS)
  8. MsInfo32
    1. System Information
  9. SysDm.cpl
    1. System properties (computer name, hardware, remote and environment variables)
  10. TaskMgr
    1. Task manager
  11. WinVer
    1. Windows version dialog
  • Technique
  • Shutdown Windows
  1. ShutDown -r
    1. Restart Windows
  2. ShutDown -s
    1. Shut down Windows (without restart)
  3. ShutDown -l
    1. Logs off windows
  4. ShutDown -i
    1. Brings up dialog with shutdown options
  5. ShutDown -a
    1. Aborts prior shutdown command
  6. ShutDown -t XX
    1. Shutsdown Windows in XX number of seconds
    2. Can be used in combination with the other options (e.g. -r, -s, -l)