- Conditions in which streptococcal Antibody is more likely to be present (risk of severe Allergic Reaction)
- Prior exposure to Streptokinase
- Recent streptococcal infection
- Activates plasminogen to plasmin
- Unlike tPA, does not bind Fibrin first before activating plasminogen (not clot specific)
- Plasmin breaks down both Fibrin and Fibrinogen to Fibrin
- Fibrin Degradation Products result, which in turn also act to inhibit Fibrin formation
- Benefits
- Lasts longer than T-PA (duration 24 hours)
- Less bleeding risk
- Probably less risk than T-PA in over age 75
- Streptokinase 1.5 million units over 60 minutes
- Premedication
- Hydrocortisone 100 mg IV
- Diphenhydramine 25 mg IV
Half-Life: 83 minutes
- Reduced to 12 min in patients with antibodies to Streptokinase from prior streptococcal infection