
Deep Vein Thrombosis Probability


Deep Vein Thrombosis Probability, DVT Probability, Wells Clinical Prediction Rule for DVT

  • Indications
  1. Assess DVT Pretest Probability
  • Criteria
  • Modified Wells Criteria
  1. Score -2: Other diagnosis at least as likely as DVT
  2. Score 1: Active malignancy within last six months (or palliative treatment)
  3. Score 1: Localized tenderness or pain over deep venous course
  4. Score 1: Entire leg swollen
  5. Score 1: Unilateral lower extremity Pitting Edema in the symptomatic leg
  6. Score 1: Non-varicose collateral superficial veins present
  7. Score 1: Previously documented DVT (added in the Modified Wells Score)
  8. Score 1: Lower extremity immobility
    1. Plaster Cast or similar
    2. Paralysis or paresis
  9. Score 1: Restricted mobility
    1. Bedridden for more than 3 days OR
    2. Major surgery in last 12 weeks
  10. Score 1: Calf circumference 3 cm over opposite calf
    1. Measure 10 cm below tibial tuberosity
  • Interpretation
  1. Low Probability (3 to 5% DVT frequency): <=0 Points
  2. Medium Probability (17% DVT frequency): 1-2 Points
  3. High Probability (53 to 75% DVT frequency): >2 Points