Virchow's Node


Virchow's Node, Sentinel Node, Signal Node, Troisier's Node

  • Signs
  1. Single Lymph Node enlargement
    1. Left Supraclavicular Lymphadenopathy
    2. Behind clavicular head of sternocleidomastoid
  2. Difficult to localize due to deep location
  3. Technique pointers
    1. Palpate behind anterior head sternocleidomastoid
    2. Perform exam with patient using Valsalva Maneuver
  • Interpretation
  1. Indicates metastasis from abdominal lesion
  • References
  1. Degowin (1987) Diagnostic Exam, Macmillan, p. 222
  2. Wilson (1991) Harrison's Internal Medicine, p. 354-6