- Ovulation Indicator
- More accurate Thermometers are available for BBT
- Take central Temperature same time daily at mid-cycle
- Oral or
- Rectal or
- Vaginal
- Start Temperature reading several days before Ovulation
- Continue readings for at least 12 Luteal Phase days
- Plot on Temperature curve
- Y-Axis: Temperature from 97 to 101 F in 0.1 steps
- X-Axis: Days of the Menstrual Cycle
- Record days of coitus and menstrual days
- Temperature rise of 0.3 to 1.0 F signals Ovulation
Ovulation usually occurs 24 hours before rise
- Helpful retrospectively
- Not useful for conception during current cycle
- Plotting 2-3 cycles is all that is required
- Inaccurate method