• Indications
  1. Sports with Eye Injury risk
    1. See Eye Injury in Sports
    2. Mandatory in monocular athletes
      1. Best corrected Vision <20/40 in weaker eye
  2. High risk occupations
    1. Miners
    2. Woodworkers
    3. Metal workers
    4. Landscapers
  • Guidelines
  • Sport Eye Protection
  1. See Eye Injury in Sports to determine risk
  2. Corrective lenses needed in low risk sports
    1. 2 mm polycarbonate lenses in standard frames
  3. Athletes in moderate to high risk sports
    1. 3 mm polycarbonate lens
    2. Sturdy sports frame (ASTM F803-01 compliant)
  4. Athletes in hockey, football, baseball, and lacrosse
    1. Helmet with attached Face Mask in addition to above
  • Guidelines
  • Work-Place Eye Protection (OSHA)
  1. Safety goggles with adequate vents and side shields
  2. Welders must use helmet with safety goggles
  3. Outdoor workers should use sun glasses
  4. Additional measures for Contact Lens use
    1. Indirectly vented goggles or full face respirator
      1. Indicated when working with caustics or chemicals
      2. Goggles with side shields are not adequate
    2. Avoid certain chemical exposures
      1. Acrylonitrile
      2. 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane
      3. Ethylene oxide
      4. Methylene chloride
      5. 4-4' methylenedianiline
    3. Keep artificial tears readily available
    4. In Eye Chemical Burns, irrigate, then remove contacts
  • Myths
  • Misconceived Excuses for not using eye guards
  1. Experience protects me
  2. Prescription lenses protect me
  3. Eye gaurds are uncomfortable and distort Vision
  4. Mandatory eye guard wear is not essential (Not cool)