- No field detector is available
- SEE Anticholinergic Effects
- Slurred Speech
- Automatic behavior
- Perseveration
- Disrobing
- Phantom behavior (e.g. Wool gathering)
- Vivid Hallucinations
- Latent Period:
- 30 minutes to 4 hours (Up to 36 hours)
- Effective Period for 72-96 hours related to dose
- Onset Stage: 0-4 hours after exposure
- Parasympathetic blockade
- Mild CNS effects
- Second Stage: 4-20 hours after exposure
- Stupor
- Ataxia
- Hyperthermia
- Third Stage: 20-96 hours after exposure
- Fluctuating Delirium
- Resolution Stage
- Paranoia
- Deep sleep with eventual reawakening
- Crawling or climbing automatisms
- Ultimately reoriented
- Remove contaminated clothing
- M291 Skin Decontamination kit
- Thorough Flushing with soap and water
- Antidote
- Physostigmine
- Supportive care
- Monitor core Temperature and vitals
- Adequate hydration
- Confiscate weapons and potentially harmful items
- Restraint as indicated (up to 80% of cases)
- Disposition
- Early evacuation
- Observe for up to 96 hours
- Medical Response to Chemical Warfare and Terrorism
- US Army Medical Research Institute Chemical Defense
- Video-Teleconference: 4/20/00 to 4/22/99
- Video-Teleconference: 12/5/00 to 12/7/00
- Text: 3rd Edition, December 1998