- Avoid if lesion previously ruptured or scarred
- May be difficult for Pilar Cyst due to thick wall
- Avoid in cysts larger than 2 cm
- Preparation
- Knead surrounding skin to break adhesions
- Prepare skin with Betadine and Local Anesthesia
- Insert 11 blade into center of cyst
- Creates 2-3 mm incision
- Remove cyst contents
- Cover lesion with gauze to protect from spraying
- Insert hemostat into cyst and spread opening
- Expell cyst contents from opening with firm pressure
- Break up contents further if needed
- Hemostat
- Curette #1
- Remove cyst wall
- Use hemostat to grasp capsule at wound base
- Pull sac out via opening (may break into pieces)
- Confirm all cyst wall removed prior to completion
- Completion
- Suture not necessary if incision in 3 mm or less
- Apply Bacitracin
- Apply pressure bandage and leave in place 1-2 hours
- Habif (1996) Clinical Dermatology, p. 644
- Zuber (2002) Am Fam Physician 65(7):1409-12 [PubMed]